2016 Reflections
It’s been a couple months since my last post, and I didn’t want 2016 to pass without one last LGCS entry. This has been a strange year for me. A good one, but strange too.I experienced so many bouts of sadness due to the incredible loss this year brought. 2016 has certainly felt like the year of the reaper. And it started on the very first day of the new year with the passing of Natalie Cole, one of my all-time favorite singers. Then came the news of David Bowie, Rene Angelil, Glen Frey, Maurice White, Denise Matthews aka Vanity, Patty Duke, and my beloved Prince. That was all before May. Later we would mourn Garry Shandling, Bill Nunn, Tommy Ford, Gwen Ifill, Sharon Jones, Florence Henderson, Ron Glass, and Alan Thicke. We were faced with the loss of George Michael, Ricky Harris, Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds within the last few days of December. And this isn’t even all of them. There were many more who passed on. Wow.

I was definitely more aware and focused on goals this year, and I must say, I’m happy that I didn’t take it all as seriously as I did last year. At the start of the year I set some goals. Some I achieved and some I did not. But I’m okay with that. I didn’t beat myself up over my own missed deadlines, expectations and standards. But with all the Instagram quote posts about ‘staying on your grind’, and ‘being about your hustle’ and making sure you ‘achieve your goals by any means necessary’. And then there were the ones that shame you into self-doubt and second-guessing how focused and driven you really are like: “Some people dream of great accomplishments while others stay awake and do them”. Or “They call us dreamers but we’re the ones who don’t sleep.” Yikes! Listen, I have a dream of great things, and I absolutely understand the importance of getting things done by any means necessary. However, I’m the kind of girl that needs sleep if I’m going to do everything I have to without slaying all within my path, lol!!! Balance is key. I’m sure the posters meant well.

Me, being the overachiever that I am, I probably began this year with one, two, maybe three things too many on my goal sheet, lol! But I am happy to say that I was able to accomplish the bigger ones, yay! Despite the four bouts of acute sinusitis, bronchitis and even pneumonia, ugghhh, I was still able to invest in myself, traveling to attend some excellent entrepreneurial conferences and seminars. AND… I finished the book I’ve been writing for a while now. It’s in the publication stages and hopefully I can begin my pre-launch within the next few weeks. I’m so excited. There were other obstacles and unforeseen variables that caused me to re-calculate my plans for the year. The key is to keep going, no matter what. If I just keep moving I’ll eventually get where I’m going; obtain whatever it is I’m going after.I never make New Year’s resolutions because I believe every day I awake to life I’m given another chance to start anew; to be a better person and to achieve my goals. As I enter into 2017, I am grateful, and thankful more than ever before, for every single thing, good and bad, that I’ve faced this year, because it’s made me better, stronger, more resilient and resourceful. I am hopeful and expectant of new and wonderful experiences in the days ahead. God bless, and I’ll see you in the New Year!