2023: catching up & Closing Out!

I’m not even going to start with the excuses as to why I’ve been MIA, but if you’ve been following along here, you probably already know. So I just wanted to do a little “life lately” post to catch you up with what’s been going on in my world since my last post, and close out with lessons learned in 2023, and what I’m looking forward to in 2024. So let’s get started, shall we?
Wrapping up the momster's affairs
The main thing I’ve been working on has been closing out Mom’s estate, and it’s been quite challenging. Closing out her estate most of the time felt like I was shutting down their life; erasing her existence, footprint, “presence”. But I had to remind myself, that her true presence and footprint will always be felt, through all the memories I have, and most assuredly, through her artwork that surrounds me in my home. Instead of hiring a professional to wrap up all her artwork, and paying a monthly fee for a special storage facility to house it, I decided to clear out one of my guest bedrooms, and create a space for it all here at The Queen’s Quarters. I’m just waiting on a few more items to pull my mini-home-gallery together, in honor of The Momster. And of course I’ll post when it’s all pulled together, but here’s a hint as to which room I converted, and a little sneak peek of how it’s coming along…

Mom’s home, Silver Fox Manor, recently sold, as well as The Momster Mobile. Big, HUGE, shout-out to Peggie Simmons, who not only did what she does best, get it SOLD, but also, helped me to clear the home and find the perfect buyer for the car as well. I appreciate her so much. She’s not only my forever realtor, but forever my friend-turned-family. Here’s a recent Instagram post I shared that felt like closure to me…
Oh, did I forget to mention I got COVID the last week of October? Ugghhh! The first 48 hours were HORRIBLE, but I started feeling better, following all the medical orders, and was simply waiting for that negative test result twice in 2-days so I could get back to my regular life! Which included decorating for the holidays. But more on that later 🙂
Time for Nationals!
Again, if you’ve followed along here for a while, you know I’ve been a pageant judge and mentor a while now. This year, I was honored to be selected for the second time as a judge for Nationals, at the IAM Pageant Powerhouse National American Miss Pageants, yay! The first was back in 2021. In 2022 I judged the C.A.N.C.U.N. state pageants (California, Arizona, Colorado, Utah and New Mexico) so I wasn’t eligible to judge Nationals last year. I’m a big fan of pageants for girls and young women, and outlined my “why” in this post HERE. I was so excited to return, and it was so much fun reuniting with all my sister-judge friends and a good time was had indeed. Here’s a little compilation, another Instagram reel including all the outfits… cause it’s all about the fits, right, lol!!! Unfortunately, the sound didn’t transfer, but you can view it with sound over on my IG feed 🙂
My Favorite Time of Year!
So now, back to Christmas… Even though I was completely exhausted returning from Orlando for National pageant judging, I was so happy seeing a clean, Christmas-decorated home, making my pre-travels decision to get it done no mater what, all the more worthwhile. Here’s Christmas at The Queen’s Quarters 2023…

I was going for a classic, muted, more natural feel, as opposed to all the glitter and blingy decor from years past. This is my favorite so far, and I think I’ll go even more minimalistic next year!
Keeping the tradition going...
Last year, mom and I knew the Broski and his family would be spending the holidays in Dallas, so we decided to delve into our own Christmas Eve/Day shenanigans, including matching pj’s, glamour session and photo shoot (per our usual on Christmas morning), and two full days of watching our favorite Christmas movies. Unfortunately, mom ended up in the hospital with congestive heart failure and we spent the holidays quite differently from what was planned. So this year, in honor of mom, and the fact that I love these traditions, I decided to still do the glam and photo session, albeit solo, and enjoy a 2-day movie fest filled with my favorite food, seafood, and egg nog chai. It was wonderful! Here’s how the Christmas 2023 photo shoot turned out…

2023... Closing Out
While this year has had it’s challenges, I’ve found that I’ve grown in resourcefulness and resilience. My dad always wanted me to be able to handle myself in any given situation, and that’s who and what I’ve become… truly embodying my nickname, Princess 007. Sometimes circumstances almost brought me to tears, like: Really?! This too?! But I made it through. Thank you Jesus! I realized this year, that I have triggers I haven’t paid attention to in the past, but that will not be the case anymore. This year drove all the way home, the real meaning of “pace yourself”, and “one thing at a time”. Going into 2024, I will carry those as mantras, especially in this current state of social media distractions, super multi-tasking, notifications for everything (I swear the devil lives in Teams), and the pressures of being plugged in all the time; accessible to everyone, 24/7. I’ve located the “disable notifications” on my phone and I’ll be using it a lot more in 2024. And whatever happens as a result… oh well. So what I’m planning on being focused on next year, is really just taking care of me, all the way around, mentally, health-wise and happiness-wise. I’m going to be a little selfish next year, and it’s going to be alright. I will be using every resource I can muster up, to ensure that I’m creating the life I want to live in this moment in time, no matter what. With regards to the blog… I’m going to do my best to get back to posting once a month. It seems like blogging isn’t “a thing” anymore, but I enjoy it, and I hope you do too! I know I mentioned last year making some changes to format and content, but I’m not sure, so for now, it will remain as it is. But I’ll keep you posted.

For the New Year, I’m wishing you clarity, stableness of mind and heart, and a closer walk with thee; a greater knowing that He’s got you at all times. Happy New Year!

Oh please keep blogging! I just found you and I love your content. Also – old pageant girl here (Mrs. Missouri 1996 and Ms Texas Senior USA 2019). Kathie
I will! Thank you Kathie! I’m happy you found me 🙂
Thanks Sis, I love it!
Cool beans Broski! Thanks!