Under constant attack and unprecedented bias, this man has lead with a level of dignity and grace that is unmatched in history and will more than likely remain so. I am saddened at the thought of the good that had to be left on the table because of the unspoken, denied, deep-seated bigotry and racism from those in our government who refused to work with him at the onset, simply because of his race. Or perhaps for some, it was the fact that he didn’t speak or carry himself in the manner of the classic, generations-old stereotype still believed today. Or maybe it was a simple, common case of envy turned to disdain for a man who even as he faced the worst of their antics while trying to intelligently run a country, remained uncannily cool, calm and collected, and held more swagger in his baby toenail than any of them could ever dream of. As he endured the viscous and vile comments made about him and his family, the backdoor meetings to “by any means necessary” thwart any and every single thing he attempted to promote; the lies and blatant, public disrespect, still he went about his business cordially, with respect for his haters, and an open invitation to the table. And to so many he was adored based solely on his electrifying charisma. For many of his senior supporters, he has earned his spot on the wall next to Jesus and Martin Luther King, Jr, lol! As our 44th President bid us farewell, he exits with one of the most impressive records in history, despite the tactics of anger and bigotry. The newly sworn in 45th President has already begun what he vowed to do on the campaign trail, to “eviscerate” his legacy, but he’ll never be able to erase him from our hearts and our minds as one of the greatest presidents of all time.

And to my brothers and sisters who claim he didn’t do enough for black people, this is what I have to say to you… All of us people of color know, that when one of us achieves something against the odds, or falls in disgrace, we do so , as a race. I was taught to be exceptional because you represent US.” “Make us proud, not ashamed.” And God how Barack Hussein Obama made us proud! We will never know what this man faced every day as he got up to lead this country as the President of the United States, not the President of the Black United States. I believe he worked for the betterment of all, to enhance everyone’s life, because let’s face it… most times the color that really makes the difference is not that of our skin, but of a dollar bill. My life was certainly made better because of what he was able to achieve in office in very tangible ways. I got to keep my house, and then was able to get a modification, reducing my interest rate to 2% when I really needed it! Thank you President Obama, for fighting on my behalf as an American citizen. And I can only imagine the tough place he found himself time after time; not focusing enough on black communities and facing being judged as negligent to his own, or risking accusations of being too black by the other side, therefore making him too threatening for their comfortability. It was a very precarious situation to be in.

But we must remember that this is a democracy. If you felt not enough was not being done to improve your neighborhoods, or schools or business, and didn’t make a call or write a letter or get a petition signed, then that is on you. Many of us could use a refresher course on how government works and start from there. It doesn’t start with the President. It starts with each of us exercising our citizenship rights, by reaching out to our local elected officials, who are there to make sure our concerns are voiced in the congressional setting, to be voted on and signed off on by the Senate, the House and finally the President. I have never been more civic-minded in my entire life. It is time for all of us to come together in unity, channeling those great men and women in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955 who participated in a bus boycott that lasted for just over a year until their demands were met. I used to say, like a whole lot of other people, that I would leave the country if certain persons gained power after President Obama left office. But I have since changed my mind. My forefathers built this country; its wealth made from their free labor of 245 years, known as slavery, and an entire war was fought for four years to protect that money train. So, as a natural-born American citizen, born of natural-born American citizens, who also came from natural-born American citizens, I have a right to be here, and I have decided I am not going anywhere.