A Gallery for The Momster

When the Momster passed, there was of course all the things to do associated with closing out her estate. But the looming question was, where to put all the artwork? At first I vetted storage facilities, but quickly remembered, how detailed the packing had to be. Shrink or saran wrapping, or any plastic, no matter how much corner styrofoam or cardbord corners you use for padding, makes way for mold to set in. Because you’d be potentially trapping humidity inside. Sunlight can fade artwork. It would have to be climate controlled at all times. And then there’s the cost. Let’s not forget that. Special storage facilities for fine art are expensive. And then I needed to consider what I’d do when someone wanted to see, buy, or pick up (for display and shows) her pieces. I’d be constantly wrapping and unwrapping, sorting through things at the storage location. Then I began to think… well what if I just turned one of the guest rooms in my house into a gallery? It didn’t take me long to settle on that idea as I stood gazing at my two options. So of course I googled the topic to make sure I wasn’t dashing forward with something that would later have to be dismantled. And I decided on the front guest bedroom. Here’s how it started…
This is the before… known as The White Room

Although I had two guest rooms, this one hasn’t been used in the 4 and a half years I’ve been here, so… why not? Once I emptied the room, it was time to start mapping out how all the paintings would fit on the walls, and how I’d place all the glass and sculpture pieces. As a child of an artist, I’ve been trained since the age of 12, how to curate an art showing, the proper way to hang a painting or display a sculpture, the eye level to consider, etc. But this was different because The Momster had sooo much artwork, and I wasn’t going to be able to create a Metropolitan Art Museum type gallery with tons of wall space. No, that room in quite small, lol! But then I googled “small art gallery”, “home art gallery”, “hanging several art pieces in a small space”, mulled over Pinterest images, and I came up with this…

Everything doesn’t fit the way I want it to just yet, but it’s not 100% finished. The day I took these photos, someone came to take some of the pieces for a few exhibits here in the valley, and they’ll be there through the end of March.

Things to keep in mind when transforming a room in your home into a gallery: 1) Avoid attics and basements unless they’re finished and have climate control. 2) Keep pieces off the floor unless they’re contained in something or it has it’s own base attached to it. 3) Close the air vent(s) in the room so there’s no direct air blowing on the artwork. It also helps to keep the dust-factor to a minimum 4) Keep the temperature between 70-75° Fahrenheit. And 5) Keep art out of direct sunlight. Right now this last point is not a problem, but when the temperature goes up in a few months, I’ll have to pull out the black-out curtains.

To transform this room, I gave away and donated the chairs, ottoman, throws and pillows. The white seating there now, is the futon that was there prior. The chandelier was hanging on by a thread, broken in several places, so I had to say goodbye to it… moment of silence, lol! I switched it out for this one, and added these runners, both from Amazon (of course). Also from Amazon, the sheers and curtains. And I added some cool sconce lighting, also from Amazon. The gold throws are from HomeGoods. And lastly, the mirror-framed pictures and other small decor items were re-located and re-purposed to other areas in my home.

I created a little space for all the metal sculpture out in the garage, because it can withstand the elements. You just won’t be able to touch any of it come summer time in this desert heat, lol! 🙂

I still have to work on pulling her catalog of work together, which is a major undertaking, but I’m up for the task. For now though, at least I have a central place for all of her work, and I’m truly surrounded by her presence 🙂

Thank you Sis, This is awesome! Mom and Dad are smiling. It has been tough losing her, but I admire your strength through it all.
Love you Big Sis!🥰
Thanks Broski! I’m glad you approve :)xo
I commend you Ingrid! The room is an absolute masterpiece. But even much more noticeable the tremendous talent your mother had.
She was truly gifted!!
Now I can see where your creative gift for the visual comes from.
Peace & Blessing
Thank you so much Pierre! She was indeed a one-of-a-kind artist.
This Room embodies your MOM perfectly. Every Piece is just but a Mere reflection of her and her love for the arts. We Love Mrs Patricia. Thanks for Sharing.
Aww, thank you Miss Peggie! I feel her presence not just in that room, but all over her my house :)xo