A Minimalist Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse… and there better not be! Haha! That’s right, it’s Christmas Eve, well, it’s the wee hours of the morning just before Christmas Day, and I’m up trying to get some things done as I prepare to return to my regularly scheduled blog and social media posts from a 40-day break. I surely hope your holiday season has been a blast so far. If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you probably already know that the Christmas season is my favorite time of year. No holiday gets me excited like Christmas! But when my world begins to feel a little overwhelming, I have to retreat and re-group to get back on track, and also it’s just good to review and recharge every so often. As for holiday decor, this year is a minimalist Christmas. For a couple reasons; One: I didn’t really have the time to dedicate to planning and executing a new theme of holiday decor in my home, and two: I just really didn’t want to fuss over it this year at all. With my family coming in town to spend Christmas with me, I wanted to focus that energy towards preparing for their visit. And they could care less about wreaths, banister garland, themed adornments and a tree! Here’s a bit of info: I’ve never really been a tree person so I’ve never had one in my home. Crazy right? Every year I say “next year I’m gonna buy and decorate a tree” and a gazillion years later I’ve never done it. This year I kept it all very simple.
Christmas at The Doll House

I wanted it just to be clean and crisp, in white silver and natural brown. I had so many pine cones so I spray painted them and added some blingier ones. (Yes, I just made up that word) And then added the white flowers. On top of the cabinet is a simple decor piece in the same color scheme.

I just wanted little touches of Christmas here and there. Like, one of my precious squirley, willy-wompus trees in the foyer…

And a few Christmas-y items on the coffee table…

Along with my usual “ornament on the doorknobs”, decor-wise this was it for me this year. Even though my Christmas decor was minimal, that was not the case with my Christmas traditions. This is where I always go overboard.
Christmas Traditions

Listening to Christmas music from November 1st, having egg nog Chai regularly… i.e., that means as often as possible without inducing myself into a sugar coma, haha!!! Then there are the Christmas movies that I watch, every year like, This Christmas, Best Man Holiday, The Preacher’s Wife, The Wiz, Black Nativity, While You Were Sleeping and The Holiday. This never gets old to me, and since I’m a movieholic, I can only look forward to more holiday favorites being added to the list.

All that said, the joy and happiness I feel this time of year really has nothing to do with holiday decor, and everything to do with celebrating the birth of Christ with family and friends. Merry Christmas :)xo

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Merry Christmas! Beautiful and perfect!! Reading about your retreat, regroup, review and recharge efforts was identical to the comments that I recently made to someone!! That although Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, Christmas is next due to my intentional decisions to retreat, recover, reflect, and reignite for a new year! It means saying no to some festive engagements; however it allows me to enter the new year with a refreshed mindset. Wishing you the best over these remaining days of 2018 and an awesome 2019!
Hi LaShun! What a great compliment from such a wonderful decorator! Thank you so much for your kind words. The saying “no” is hard sometimes for the overachiever in me, but I’m getting there. I pray you have a wonderful holiday season, and that you get all the recharging you need. Thank you again for your support and for your engagement here. Love you, and talk to you soon :)xo