The C Word: Celibacy - My 28-Year Journey
Today is a good day! It’s the day I’m launching the pre-order of my new book!
It is simply the account of me coming into my own, my evolution, while living a life of celibacy. I was first prompted to write this book when I began to feel bad about my lifestyle. I don’t like to say what someone else did or said “made me feel”, however, listening to others talk about it made it seem like celibacy was a bad word; that the less I talked about it the better, that this was not a good thing; that I was less than. I felt like I was wearing a secret Scarlet Letter “C” at all times. And then there was the fact that I was still single, which of course made me question my celibate stand all together. But something happens when you begin to love yourself for who you are entirely. I began owning my celibacy, and I didn’t let others perception of it dictate how I should feel or my worth. I began to walk in my truth, as I owned the choice I made after my divorce. Has it been difficult at times? Yes. But I’ve learned, and I’m still learning, to simply trust God. Everything I’m supposed to have, I’ll have it, when I’m supposed to have it. And that includes a husband. It took quite a bit of time, but I don’t worry or care what others think about my celibacy. We all make choices in life that are the sum total of our existence. This was mine, and 28, well, now, 29 years later, I can say that I would without hesitation, make the same choice all over again.
So now let’s talk about the process of writing this book. In 2008, I was approaching the twentieth anniversary of my celibacy decision, and had been prompted a few times in my spirit to write a book about it. When I lost my job, I needed something that would take my mind off of being unemployed. I had only been in my new home a year at the time, and with the recession many people were experiencing, it was quite a worrisome time for me. One thing I’ve been doing since I was 13 that completely relieves my mind of whatever is going on at the moment is writing. I can sit and write for hours. I lose myself in it. I forsake sleep for it, and everyone who knows me, knows how much I cherish my sleep! So I started writing, formed a table of contents and began the summary for each of the 10 chapters. After 10 months of unemployment I was finally hired and well, you know what happened with the book. It got shelved. I would think about it from time to time over the next six years, until I picked it back up again. I finished writing the book in June of 2015 and continued to read and edit, read, and edit. Then I added another chapter, did some book publishing research, followed by more re-reading and editing. It was finally submitted to start the publishing process in late 2016. There are so many pieces to the puzzle that is book publishing. I feel like I could write a book on that! It was a tremendous learning experience and I can honestly say, that book #2 will be in the works real soon! It’s not that I love the process so much as it is, I love to write stories that make people feel good; that take their mind off the current burden or trial their dealing with. I have written many stories that I have never shared with anyone, and I often read my own stories for inspiration, motivation and as a way of escape.

Many of late have publicly spoken of “jumping”, “doing it scared”, “taking a leap.” Well this, by far, is the scariest leap or jump I’ve EVER taken. And it’s because it’s my life, my story, that I’m exhibiting to the world. Now here comes the part where I REALLY have to not care what people think. I am hoping The C Word: Celibacy – My 28-Year Journey will encourage anyone reading, to embrace the truth of who they are, and revel in it; that it will empower them to be comfortable in their own skin, to know that they are enough right where they are, and to rest in and trust the process. To get more details on the book, and how you can get two free cds, visit “The C Word” page on this site or click the link below. Thank you so much for your support and prayers, and for taking this scary ride with me!

Ingrid: I appreciate, admire and adore your story. I’m inspired and thrilled to support you. I am sincerely interested to read about your testimony and journey. I feel the passion and dedication that exudes from your presentation. Your experience will Bless and touch the lives of many. I have the greatest admiration for the entrepreneurial spirit and passion you have. God has hand on your life and without question, you are anointed. My prayer for you is , “We can do all things with Christ, he strengthens Us .” I want to share your story with my church family, friends and loved ones. I want to get a copy to my Bishop Bob Jackson at .
Thank You so very much in advance. Blessings.