It's Just Paint! Adding Color to The Queen's Quarters Bathrooms

After having an all-white home for a few years now, I’m beginning to try out more colors throughout the house, and what better room to start in than the bathrooms?! If you’ve followed along for at least a year or so, you know I’m not afraid of a feature wall, and I’ve just added two. Starting with…

The Master Bathroom

I woke up one Saturday morning in late January and suddenly had an urge to paint the wall behind the mirrors in the master bathroom black. I think it was all the pics and reels on Instagram of black walls, black doors, black window trim. It’s been trending upwards for a while now and is showing no sign of slowing down. You may remember when I first moved into this home, I painted the back wall of one of the guest rooms black…

Be My Guest 2.0 - Ingrid Bohannon Blog

I wasn’t thrilled with it and I changed it a year or so later to this…

the queen's quarters guest bedroom after

Yes, I know, the wall art over the bed isn’t centered, but anyway…. Just last summer I also painted the front door black…

The Queen's Quarters Front Entrance

So maybe I’m subconsciously affected by the trend after all. Make no mistake, I’m still team all-white home, lol! But my philosophy when deliberating paint color or not is… it’s just paint. You can paint over it if you don’t like it. And this is also why I typically will only add color to a feature wall or a small area, mitigating the possibility of a large-scale paint reversal project! Like that time I stripped a piece of furniture and hated the end results as soon as I finished, then proceeded to change it back. Geesh!!! That was a nightmare, and you can read about it HERE. But for now, here’s the perfectly good, light, bright, all-white bathroom I decided to add some drama to… 

The Queen's Quarters master Bathroom Before
The Queen's Quarters Master Bathroom Before

I’d already decided, with an entire weekend to myself, I would get started on Friday after work. But I procrastinated and actually didn’t get started until 5pm on Saturday, removing the towel rings, clearing everything out, cleaning and doing the cut-ins. The paint was “Limousine Leather” by Behr Marquee of course. Ya’ll know I swear by their paint; odorless, and typically only one coat needed, with hardly no droppage. 

The Queen's Quarters master bathroom before
The Queen's Quarters master bathroom before
Behr Marquee Black

I was determined to have everything done and be showered and sitting on the sofa watching Netflix by midnight. With 2 minutes to spare, I made it! Here’s how it turned out…

The Queen's Quarters master bathroom after
The Queen's Quarters master bathroom after

Oh, and I decided while the black paint was drying, to go ahead and tackle the privacy room which really had never been “decorated”. So I used the same paint that’s on the feature wall in the master bedroom to adorn this tiny area. It’s Behr Marquee’s “Georgian Pink”, though it looks a little salmon-y in the picture.

The Queen's Quarters master bedroom after
The Queen's Quarters master bathroom after
The Queen's Quarters master bathroom after

I didn’t have to buy a single item. I already had the paint, and the decor items didn’t really change. I swapped out the shower curtain tie-back and the ribbon on the towels for some leftover black and white ribbon I had from making the bow on the front door wreath. And I spray painted the existing electrical outlet plates gold.

The Queen's Quarters master bedroom after
The Queen's Quarters master bathroom after
The Queen's Quarters master bathroom after

I’m absolutely thrilled with how it turned out. And then a couple weeks later…

The Guest Bedroom

For the last year I’ve toyed with the idea of doing something with this bathroom. I still love an all-white bathroom, but this one had begun to look a little boring to me. Here’s what I started with…

The Queen's Quarters AZ Guest Bathroom Before
The Queen's Quarters AZ Guest Bathroom Before

And here’s what it looks like now…

The Queen's Quarters AZ Guest Bathroom After

The Saturday after finishing the master bath, I knew if I didn’t tackle this one then, I’d put it off. So starting around 10am, determined to complete it by night fall, in-between watching one of my k-dramas, first, I cleared everything out and removed the towel ring. I’d been meaning to take it down for months. Next came all the cleaning, and a few hours later I did all the cut-ins, waited another hour and did the second coat of cut-ins, watched a couple more k-drama episodes, and then did the first round of roller painting. After a couple hours I added the second coat and did touch ups. Around 7pm that evening, after quickly “shopping my home”, I re-hung the mirror and framed it with wired ribbon, switched out the towels and added ribbon to them, and also added ribbon to the border of the window treatment, spray painted and re-hung the metal wall piece, then loaded in the other decor items.

The Queen's Quarters AZ Guest Bathroom After

The only thing I purchased to complete this space was a quart of paint. I sourced sooo many colors and finally settled on this soft blush pink color called “Tranquil Retreat” by Behr Marquee. The color was very sheer, and even though I had to use two coats, I must say, this is one of my new favorite blush colors. 

Behr Tranquil Retreat

I liked this color but I almost passed on it because it was so similar to the master bedroom feature wall and now, the master bath privacy room, Behr Marquee “Georgian Pink”, referenced above. The one used in the guest bath is slightly lighter, with the differences between the two, more obvious live, in the rooms, versus in pictures.

The Queen's Quarters Guest Bathroom After
The Queen's Quarters AZ Guest Bathroom After
The Queen's Quarters AZ Guest Bathroom After
The Queen's Quarters AZ Guest Bathroom After

I wanted a bit of a Parisian flair and I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out, even though it’s most definitely more feminine than I intended… but oh well 🙂

Ingrid Bohannon

Focusing these days on simple, one-day projects, using resources already at hand for major impact. 

5 thoughts on “It’s Just Paint! Adding Color to the Bathrooms”

  1. Pierre Robinson

    Love the way you desegregated everything!
    Color is good’

    1. Ingrid Bohannon

      Hahaha!!! I see what you did there. Thanks Pierre!

    1. Ingrid Bohannon

      Thank you Tracy 🙂

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