Approaching 2020: A Decade in Review
I usually do a year in review at this time, but having participated in Marie Forleo’s Decade in Review, I decided I’d post reflections on the decade instead.

Decade in Review: The 2010’s
I must say, these last ten years have truly zoomed by, and the above quote has certainly been true in my life. It wasn’t until I took the time to reflect on my achievements and accomplishments, and even significant setbacks I overcame, that I realized just how true that quote is. It’s one thing to think about it, and another to actually see it on paper. Once you get going, the list just grows.
My Decade in Review
- Let’s just get the painful accomplishments out the way first, shall we… Overcame being laid off three times; in 2011, 2012 and 2017… Oh the joys of living in a Right-to-Work State!
- Recorded, produced and distributed my 2nd CD, “Back 2 Classic” in 2011
- After the housing market crash, I short-sold my first home at a much higher price than was common at the time, which included a relocation expenses settlement, then leased, with the option to buy, a much larger and nicer home, closer to the city, in 2013. Many thanks to President Obama whose newly implemented home-owner programs helped to facilitate many aspects of this. (Of course there’s a lot more to this story, and it should probably be an entire post on it’s own!)
- Built my 2nd website myself, and started the love. grace. class. style. Blog in 2015
- Moved the Momster here from Atlanta in 2015
- Purchased my first custom-built home in 2016
- Learned to navigate my revamped website via WordPress and grew subscribers to the Blog in 2017. Thank you Wendy J. Creative!
- Having started writing it in 2008, and then letting it sit for 8 years, (you can read about how my book was birthed HERE) I published my book, “The C Word”, and threw an awesome launch party in 2018. You can see / read about “A Night to Remember” HERE.
- Recorded “The C Word” audio book… although not published yet, the recording it was a major deal. You can read all about that HERE.
- Sold my 3rd home / first custom-built home at top /asking price, then purchased my 2nd custom-built home in 2019. Yes, I’ve moved three times this decade, and loaded / unloaded a moving truck six times. Yikes!
- Started a new job in 2019 making double what I was making at the start of the decade in 2010. Thank you Lord!
What I’ve learned…

The most significant accomplishment wasn’t the book, the CD, or even the home sales and purchases. The most significant was overcoming the challenges I faced with the multiple lay-offs, losing everything for the second time. The wisdom I’ve gained from those experiences, and how my faith has grown, is immeasurable. I connected so to Marie Forleo’s “Everything is Figureoutable”, because it’s an attitude / perspective / mindset that I’ve long embraced and promoted in my life. Whenever faced with a seemingly impossible situation, I’ve always told myself, “you can do this”, “you got this” and “keep it moving”, which synopsizes “everything is figureoutable.” The wisdom is: I can do anything I want, if I believe in myself, and keep at it. What I’ve learned through my faith is that God’s got me, no matter how low I go or how bad it gets; He’s got me, and it’s all going to work out just fine if I don’t give up. I’ve also learned, not to beat myself up, (Yeah, I know I’ve said it a few times before, haha!) when I have to take a step back or set a project aside. It’s all just a process. And finally, I’ve learned to keep it simple. As a recovering over-over achiever, I’m working hard to not bite off more than I can chew; to be more realistic with my time and gaging what I can and can’t do. Oh and one more thing… I’ve learned to keep future goals you want to accomplish within a specific time frame to yourself. That said…
Looking Forward…
I’m hoping to clarify and solidify my personal business goals, especially now that I’m sure of what it is that brings me joy, that I could do all day, even without pay. If you follow this blog, I’m sure you can probably guess, ha! I’m going to be revamping my finances and focusing on health and wellness issues, and dental obstacles that I’ve avoided over the last few years.

Thankful and grateful for the last ten years, hopeful for the next ten, I’ll be trusting God for guidance and direction, open to resetting my plans and goals when necessary. No New Year’s resolutions here, just keeping it moving :)xo

You are truly a light among us all <3
Thank you so much Martha! And thank you for stopping by the blog :)xo
Outstanding Achievements, well deserved and Fantastic overview. Inspirational and Truth #100
Thank you so much Teddy! I truly appreciate your support of the blog!