From 2022 to 2023: Just Rolling With It!

Well that went fast! If you remember from last year’s “From 2021 Year-end to 2022 Beginning” post, I was determined to do things differently from previous years, and to pretty much clear out anything that wasn’t absolutely necessary as far as “to-do” items. For most of the year I did well, but as it drew to a close, I felt a little overwhelmed with all that was on my plate. The year ended with some life events that forced a pause.

Ingrid Bohannon 2023

So what do I mean by life events? It’s an occurrence that I have absolutely no control over that interrupts my regularly scheduled programming, lol! Think job loss, personal or family illness, the house catching on fire, or anything else that would force a hard stop in life to address it, because you literally can’t move forward until you do. Well, that moment happened for me at 5am on December 24th, so I had to cancel Christmas. And ya’ll know how much I love Christmas, lol! But as I stated in my “Settling Into My 60’s” post, you have to learn to pivot and re-group and just keep it moving. You can be disappointed for a moment, but then you have to let it go and move on, and move on in grace. I won’t go into detail as to what happened, but all is well now. And from that life event, I decided to discard the typical mindset of traditional end-of-year planning and New Year goal setting. I took all of January to ease myself into this new year, with reflection and thoughtful analyzation of just how I wanted to continue to exist and move through this life of mine; how I wanted to present myself this year online and in-person. And it’s been a good month! Going forward, I’m amping up my 2022 motto of “Simplify to Amplify”, to simply…

IG Quotes (1)
Thank you Yoshica for this thought-provoking nugget!

I want to be fully present more, especially in the moments of joy and peace, even taking those moments whenever I can. I want to be more of the better version of me. No resolutions, just a couple things I’m focused on, like curbing spending and debt reduction, and getting my over-60 hormones in line so I don’t continue to see myself as some sort of middle-aged Teletubby, lol!!!

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This year, because I have more responsibilities in certain areas of my life, I’ll have to be engaged more than I have in the past, so I’ll still set and adhere to my schedules, but I’m becoming at peace with change at a moment’s notice. There are things I want to “focus” on this year, but I won’t be disappointed if I don’t see them come to fruition in the next 334 days. There are other things I simply have on my “to-do radar”, much of it is décor-oriented, and I’m hoping to re-design my online space here. I’ve envisioned a different version of my website and hopefully I can implement that sometime this Spring. But I’m keeping things fluid. I find that when I set something to happen and for any reason, seen or unforeseen, it doesn’t, then I feel a stressed until it is. That’s self-inflicted so I’m letting that go this year. And what I’ve really learned, is to thoroughly take in, the peaceful moments, as, when and however they come. It seems now more than ever before, at least that I can remember, things change in an instant, and it’s important to take advantage of the calm so you’re ready and able to face the storm when it hits. And it’s going to hit, sometimes one right after the other or more than one at a time. But that’s just life. And I’m truly learning to be okay with that.

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My personal “New Year” begins on my birthday, August 11th, so January 1st for me is simply a check-in. And I guess I do have a resolution, and that’s to continue using the resources at my disposal, and newfound wisdom, to work towards being the very best version of me I can. Looking forward to this New Year’s adventures! 😊

6 thoughts on “From 2022 to 2023: Just Rolling With It”

  1. Crystal Willis

    Lovely blog and pics.
    You are so talented. Happy 2023!!!

    1. Ingrid Bohannon

      Thank you so much my friend! :)xo

  2. Mike Boski

    Nice job Sis. You as a teletubbie.. Can’t unsee that! 😀

    1. Ingrid Bohannon

      LOL!!! It’s what I feel like when I look in the mirror these days! Thanks Broski :)xo

  3. Pierre Robinson

    Good heartfelt read Ingrid! This one shorter than I’m accustomed to reading lol!!! But good. I initially assumed you were fasting from social media for awhile was the reason for the lack of family Christmas photos. I’m so sorry for the ordeal you may have endured during the Holidays. By Gods love and grace you are here “To Be More”.
    Peace & Blessings

    1. Ingrid Bohannon

      Pierre, thank you! and yes, keeping it short was strategic, lol! All is good now, and everyone is fine. I’m just thankful it wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been. Hopefully we’ll all be together the end of this year taking a new set of pictures 🙂

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