Being a Gentleman Never Goes Out of Style

Denzel Washington in September 2012 GQ
Denzel Washington, GQ September 2012

Most men I encounter today are at a loss for how to conduct themselves as gentlemen. It seems as if there is no honor in the respect that being a gentleman breeds. It’s more than “swagger”. It’s more than an act or a style of dress. It’s a determined and deliberate refinement, a desire to be better than the day before, an unselfish consistency in behavior, and it’s a passionate attention to detail in every aspect of life. Once upon a time, this was the standard upon which all men strived. So what happened?

The dictionary defines a Gentleman as: a civilized, educated, sensitive, courteous, honorable, chivalrous, well-mannered man, whose conduct conforms to a high standard of propriety or correct behavior; a man who treats other people in a proper and polite way; a man who is respectful and considerate of those around him…. Now who wouldn’t want a man like that?


2 thoughts on “Being a Gentleman Never Goes Out of Style”

  1. Mark Crockett

    …wow. Telling, to say the least. Very, very nice…and true.

    1. Ingrid Bohannon

      Thank you Mark! And thanks so much for stopping by my place on the Net!

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