Being a Gentleman Never Goes Out of Style

Most men I encounter today are at a loss for how to conduct themselves as gentlemen. It seems as if there is no honor in the respect that being a gentleman breeds. It’s more than “swagger”. It’s more than an act or a style of dress. It’s a determined and deliberate refinement, a desire to be better than the day before, an unselfish consistency in behavior, and it’s a passionate attention to detail in every aspect of life. Once upon a time, this was the standard upon which all men strived. So what happened?

The dictionary defines a Gentleman as: a civilized, educated, sensitive, courteous, honorable, chivalrous, well-mannered man, whose conduct conforms to a high standard of propriety or correct behavior; a man who treats other people in a proper and polite way; a man who is respectful and considerate of those around him…. Now who wouldn’t want a man like that?

…wow. Telling, to say the least. Very, very nice…and true.
Thank you Mark! And thanks so much for stopping by my place on the Net!