Goodbye 2015... Hello 2016!
I am not one to make New Year’s Resolutions. I can use the start of a quarter, month, week or even just the next day to start doing something new, or doing something differently, or for getting back on schedule with something. A resolution is defined as a firm decision to do or not to do something. Well life has taught me that regardless how firm your decision is, things will invariably happen unexpectedly that will force you to betray your decision. Then there’s the self-doubt and second-guessing that goes along with feeling bad because you “messed up”… AGAIN!!! So now I just set annual goals. And after the year I’ve had with major setback after major setback, I’ve relaxed even more. I don’t take it all so seriously, which, for someone like me, a recovering perfectionist, that’s pretty difficult. I will be satisfied and content with myself as long as I am continuously moving towards accomplishing my goals despite the hindrances and the setbacks life rolls my way. I have read sooo many books on “getting to the finish line”, or “how to be a success”, or “applying 10 keys to goal achievement.” But I have come to the simple determination to just keep moving no matter what I face, and learn to enjoy the journey. 2016 will be the year of perseverance for me. If I have to re-tool my list of goals and “to-do” lists throughout the year, it’s okay. If I have to take a life-required break from working to tend to a situation, it’s okay. As long as I feel good about my path and journey when I lay my head down at night, it doesn’t matter how everyone else is getting it done. Their life is not my life, so their hustle is not my hustle. And that’s okay too!