I Can't NOT Watch
I told myself I wasn’t going to watch… the Republican National Convention that is. But I tuned in at the middle on night one. It is so difficult to watch these people take to the podium to say they’re going to do and restore and build and replace this, that and the other, all things President Obama has already done, some of it within the first two years of his first term! Blatant lies they tell on a national television fact-free platform. Every, single thing they have said is literally an untruth. That’s not the scary part. The scary part is that their lies are perceived credible because there are so many people who don’t have a clue as to how government works, what the records show, what the actual numbers and successes are, and more importantly, the incredible manipulative media spin that is placed on it all. I was not planning to watch any of the Republican National Convention, but after seeing how Melania Trump’s plagiarized speech is being swept under the rug, I changed my mind. We’re not talking a couple short phrases. We’re talking several lines from two or three sections that were almost verbatim! I like many of you, had my laugh at all the posted memes on social media last night and this morning, but after hearing the son’s authoritative-wannabe-politician toned speech, I decided this is something I can’t miss. I can’t joke this away. I can’t ignore it away. It’s imperative that I watch as much of it as possible.

I have to know exactly what I’m in for should these people make it into office. My God, the disrespect, the name-calling, the ongoing post-FBI Investigation criminalizing, the making mention of the opponent three times more than their own nominee in every speech, the promotion of saying whatever you feel like saying, the, and I quote: “we’ll bring law and order back to the country” sentiments, the tact-less disrespectful comments. And still… no mention of any policy! I have not heard one piece of policy from him or his team on his strategy to do what he says he’s going to do. This is a small taste of what I will be in for. The most offensive part of it all is every time one of these speakers say “we’re going to “take America back, and make America great again.” I’m at a loss for words, and I want to ask these people, back to where? Back to when? When white men stole this land from the Indians, that greatness? Or are we talking about the greatness in time of the kidnapping and enslavement of African people to work their land under incomprehensible, vile and horrific conditions without pay, likening them to cargo and animals greatness? Maybe they’re talking about when the freedom granted those people of color as a mockery to go do and to be while constantly stripping them of everything which we call Jim Crow. That great America? Could they possibly be referring to 1942 when the Unites States racially profiled and forced relocation and incarceration of some 120,000 Japanese, 62,000 of them American-born citizens into camps. Or perhaps they’re talking about that time eight years ago when the first African-American elected President came into office like a steamroller and did what he had to do to pull this country out of the grips of one of the worst recessions this nation has ever seen, poised to become what many have said to be one of the greatest Presidents in history, that American greatness? Is calling Mexicans rapists and murderers and vowing to “send them all back” going to make America great again? Is devaluing and disrespecting women going to make America great again? Is banning all members of one religious group from the country, profiling them all as potential terrorists going to make America great again? Here’s a news flash… America is already great! It’s great because of the American people that make it up; born here or immigrant. It’s the resiliency and forgiveness of the oppressed, the compassion of the enlightened, the relentless drive of the faithful, the ultimate unification of all beyond gender, color or sexual orientation in the 11th hour when it counts. Yes, America has failed many times. But failure is a part of greatness. As long as we the people keep striving, we will continue to be great. No, greater than we already are…. (deep sigh) ok, that’s all 🙂