It takes quite a bit to really anger me, but one sure way to do it is to disregard my time. One of the things I hold most dear is my time. I’ve always said: You don’t allow people to spend your money, and you should never allow them to spend your time. Over the years I’ve become more patient and forgiving, but also more selective with whom I entrust my time. Back in the day, people seemed to be more considerate of your time as shown by their commitment to keep their commitments, their communication efforts if and when those commitments had to be altered or couldn’t be kept. Being late was not a frequent occurrence. Now people RSVP for your event and just don’t show up, if they RSVP at all, or set a date and time to meet and have you sitting there waiting, void of even the courtesy of a phone call or text, or consistently make, break and re-schedule appointments. And the part that really has me amazed is… when I’m accused of having a bad attitude for being upset about it! Does anybody respect time in general anymore? It seems as if many abuse it, steal it and waste it, over and over and over again, selfishly, with ill-regard, for simply no reason. Time is the most precious of all because, unlike money, you can’t get it back. You can lose money again and again and still make some more. But time rolls forward, never backwards. You can’t make it up.

So when you stand me up on that date, that’s a Friday night that I’ll never get back, that I could’ve spent finishing a great book, or being productive around the house or catching up on some Netflix shows or even getting some rest. You’ve actually robbed me of something I can’t get back.

There’s a 2011 movie called “In Time” that I love, that talks about the preciousness of time in a civilization where time has become the universal currency and is used to pay for daily expenses and can be transferred between people or capsules. It also has to do with the haves and the have nots, in that the country has been divided into “time zones” based on the wealth of the population…. Ok, that’s a whole other blogpost, lol!!!