It's That Time Again
This post will be short and… well, I don’t know how sweet, haha! I knew it would come, I felt it coming, but I just couldn’t decide if, and when. There is sooo much going on in my world right now and it’s time to take a break. Last year I chronicled my first EVER social media break around this same time. You can read about it here. This year not only am I taking a social media time out, but I’m also taking a blogging time out.

I have struggled with whether to keep pushing myself and keep going, trying to get it all in. I am not one of those people who can operate for very long on little or no sleep without malfunctioning. On an every now and then basis, as a particular situation calls for it, yes. On a continual with no end in site basis… absolutely not. I make errors I wouldn’t normally make, I’m short and snarky with people. It’s just not a good look or feel for me. As an admitted over-achiever, and recovering perfectionist, taking a break is difficult for me because it’s an admission of “falling short.” After dealing with some major setbacks last month, while handling a few major life events all at the same time, I am finally saying: “Hi my name is Ingrid. I CAN’T DO IT ALL!!!” Whew… deep breath. Yes, I can’t do it all, AND… it’s okay. It’s very hard for me to say that, but right now, I give myself permission to stop and focus on the projects needing the most attention at this moment in time. I’m planning on 45 days, but it may be more, and if that’s the case, I will have to be okay with that too! There’s a few things in the works that I am so very excited about, and I hope to be able to reveal them to you very soon!