The Linen Closet at The Dollhouse
The Linen Closet is a very small portion of real estate in my home, dubbed “The Dollhouse” while still under construction, used to house linens and towels or anything used on the bed or in the bathroom, although hand soap and cleaning supplies are kept under the sink in each bathroom. Anyway… I’ve always been concerned with the spaces in a home that most people don’t give a whole lot of thought to, like the linen closet, the laundry room, or the garage even. I’ll be decorating my garage in the next couple of months, and yes I said “decorating”, so watch for that some time in late May, early June. But back to the linen closet… There’s nothing fancy to it. Just a typical linen closet, painted in that pukie off-white builder-grade color. I chose not to paint it, but who knows, I may decide to paint it in a pure white on a whim one day.

In keeping with my all-white-all-bright decor theme for The Dollhouse, I wanted to see a crisp, clean, little space whenever I opened the door to my linen closet.

I’ve been obsessed with white towels and linens for a while now and I had this vision of “all white everything” in my linen closet. I know, call me crazy, but this makes me so happy! Sure, white towels begin to look dingy a lot quicker than colored ones, but it’s not like I’m running a Bed & Breakfast so I’m not going through a lot of towels. Although, the white towels are reserved for guests. Also, with stores like Marshalls, TJMaxx, Ross, and HomeGoods, where prices for decent towels are so inexpensive, it makes it easy to replace them when needed.

The towels I use personally are NOT white because… well have you seen my pictures?! Haha! I’m a make-up girl and I’d be purchasing towels way too often if I used white ones. So I use shades of grey towels, and of course you already know, everything has to match. I typically spend a little more money on these simply because they’re going to be used more often. Those are the towels you see in the baskets on the right on the fourth shelf. The pink towels in the basket on the left are the ones I use for drying my hair. And yes, they have matching hand and wash cloths too! Just in case I need them. In the basket on the bottom of the closet on the right is a stash of bathroom tissue, and in the basket on the left are paper towels. I don’t really like to see these items, and per my preference, they definitely need to be stored in the linen closet, but I don’t notice them too much in the baskets. I’m still looking for nice, white storage boxes with a lids so I don’t have to see it at all. I’ll let you know if I find something

I have an abundance of white wash cloths for a couple reasons… one, they get soiled rather fast, usually on first use, so I go through them quickly, because I won’t keep dingy, somewhat soiled wash cloths. They have to be completely white. Once their not, I promptly convert them to cleaning cloths. And two… the stacks just look pretty to me I love my wire baskets. The baskets the wash cloths are stored in are from Target. (similar)

And the baskets the hand towels are stored in are from Michael’s.

At the very top is where I’ve stored extra pillows since there is a great deal of height there that’s typically not used, and an extra Queen-sized comforter. To wrangle it in I simply used some ribbon to tie around it, and secured it in a neat bow. We all know how much I love bows And I keep my new favorite candle (also from Target) in there because it not only smells so good when you open the door, but the towels have a little bit of the scent as well.

You may be wondering why I put so much energy and attention into a linen closet of all places. I can’t really explain it other than it makes me smile inside. I’m a bit of a neat/clean fanatic so I love to see things around me crisp, clean and in order. When I open the door of my linen closet it makes me feel the same way I do when I look at towels and sheets at Pottery Barn… happy!

In everything I do, I always try to incorporate small things that make me smile and make me happy, like adding bows to baskets, which ultimately makes me feel glamorous. You can read all about my thoughts and perception on glamour here. And please don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments below. Until the next Dollhouse decor story…

I agree 100%, all so don’t forget about Macy. Love their bedding
Hi Bertrand! Yes, I agree, Macy’s does have a very nice selection of bedding as well. Thank you so much for taking the time to “stop by” 🙂