When I Was Little I Never Knew Eyebrows Would Be So Important
Over the last couple of years, women have come to obsess over their eyebrows. If you’re like me, you’ve been pretty fanaticalistic (my word) over them all your life.

With the numerous amount of make-up artist tutorials available via Youtube these days, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Because of the uber popularity of celebrity women like Beyonce and Kim Kardashian, who are naturally blessed with thick eyebrows, the trend of creating that “full brow” has become a widespread phenomenon that doesn’t seem to be going away any time soon. As a make-up artist for many years, I’ve seen lots of eyebrow styles: the latest overdone “power brow” or what I call the “Groucho Marx brow”; the “Mr. Potato Head brow” where they just appear to be floating on your face; the “super-tweezed brow” which I personally donned in my high-school years (totally giving away my age here); the severe, upside-down vee-shaped brow that I call the Star Trek “Spock brow” and then there’s what I call the “sperm brow” which features a small darkened dot followed by a half-moon shape line with a tail. Yikes! Unless you’re dressing up in a costume of some sort, your eyebrows frame your face and that should never be compromised in the name of trends.

Your eyebrows are unique to YOUR face. The perfect brow for you may not be the perfect brow for your BFF. And while Bey and Kim K. have gorgeous brows, they’re not the standard for everyone. Here are a few “brow points” to keep in mind… 1) Your brow should begin from the tear duct or end of your nose, arch at its highest just beyond the pupil of your eye, and thin out and fade past the end of your eye. 2) Although most are not into them anymore, thinner brows can be aging on older women, so leave those to the younger women. 3) If you’re like me and have to fill in your brows because they don’t grow even, or if you’ve mutilated them beyond repair, be sure to use a product you’re comfortable with; pencil, powder, pomade or gel, as long as it matches your natural brow color. 4) Please be careful with tattooing. It’s permanent… that’s all I’m gonna say about that, lol!

And 5) Once you’ve found the shape that most compliments your face, be sure to keep them groomed with regular waxing, tweezing, threading or whatever method you fancy. Finally, just remember you always want natural-looking, well-groomed brows.