Love is Always in the Air
Ah, love (sigh)… this will be a significantly shorter post than the last one… I promise!
How do you celebrate Valentine’s Day? Or do you celebrate it at all? Leave a comment below and share. For me, this holiday isn’t high on my list of holidays to celebrate. Even when I was married, or in a relationship, I wasn’t all that into it. Here’s what I had to say about this day last year in the post titled “A Valentine Wish For You”. And the year before that I shared my views on Valentine’s Day in the Every Day Valentine post, and they haven’t changed much at all. Considering the origins of the holiday, commemorating the death and/or burial of a martyred saint… wow, that’s romantic, I just never really took it to heart. Pun not intended. And my less-than-thrilled-attitude towards the celebration has nothing to do with my relationship status. I do enjoy the association of the day to one of my favorite colors though…

And I love chocolate and flowers and yeah, that’s every day, any day! And while I am single, I am also whole, praise God! And what I celebrate most on this day is the fact that, my emotions are in tact, I’m not stalking someone, waiting to key his car, trying to decode text messages for real meaning or miserably waiting for the 15th day of February! Here is a video I posted in February of 2016 in my “Alone But Not Lonely” post. I sincerely believe that if you’re going to celebrate Valentine’s Day, it should just be a super-sized version of how and what you already do and say on any given day, for absolutely no reason at all.

To commemorate the holiday, I am planning on staying in this evening, for starters. It’s a doosey of a week because my office is moving, so I will just be glad to be able to get home a little early, (traffic is typically horrible after work on Valentine’s Day), hit the sofa with my favorite chopped salad from The Gladly, and watch one of my favorite romantic movies, like Hitch, Jumping the Broom, or One Night With the King, and then hit the sack early. Now that would be a great Valentine’s Day! I love my sleep!

If we love ourselves, we can celebrate love any day, regardless of our relationship status. But first and foremost because of the greatest love of all, the love of God, the sentiment of the holiday is everlasting. “The Lord’s love never ends; His mercies never stop. They are new every morning; Lord, your loyalty is great. I say to myself, the Lord is mine, so I hope in him.” (Lamentations 3:22-24) I celebrate today because I am God’s forever Valentine.

You are perfectly right to say the Valentine is like any other day so as it is for any other special day. However, society views some days as special. In view of the fact that we live within the society we can accept some days as special. Despite the fact that some days are special does not mean we cannot do things in the usual normal way. Love is love and it exist everyday. We don’t have to wait till valentine day to show great love. True love should be celebrated every time we smile, laugh and talk to each other. In all let there be a kiss on Valentine day if there is some one—smile—but in all we should not stress ourselves for any day considered to be special..
Thank you so much Vinep for stopping by the blog! Your sentiments echo mine and I appreciate you taking the time to share them. I hope you had that kiss and smile on Valentine’s Day, and that it was stress-free. I had to work late but that’s another story, lol!!! Take care, and I hope to see you back here on the web again soon 🙂
Hello Ingrid. I agree with all points made especially the phrase you use “a super-sized version of what we you already do”. Also as a single woman, this has been confirmation of how I live my life. Now being an empty nester I definitely treat myself to some of the more simpler things in life such as ordering in, going to the movies, and visiting with friends much more often. So yesterday for me was absolutely my super-sized day. And frankly one of the best Valentine’s Days I have had in many years! There was no stress, no anticipation, no disappointment, just an awesome super-sized treat day! Ultimately I concur that love comes from God whom I celebrate everyday. And it is my belief as long as His love dwells inside me and around me then everyday can be an inner celebration of deliverance, healing, and growth. We are better today than we were in past days! Thank you for your words of confirmation and affirmation.
Well said Aquoinette! And I’m so glad you had an amazing V-day! Some times I think we forget just how much control we have in our lives over our emotions and perceptions and expectations, that ultimately determine how we act and feel. I so appreciate you for sharing your thoughts with me here at my “home” on the web, and thank you so much for subscribing to keep in touch. Take care, and much love to you!
Every day, Is a day for Lovers. Those who find real love. It does take a life time, finding your soul mate
True comments Bertrand. For some it happens early and that’s it, together for life. For others, it’s a slow, sometimes painful (haha!!) process, definitely not for the faint of heart! Thank you so much for stopping by my space on the net, and for sharing!
Just another day
I agree my friend. Thanks for checking out my home on the world wide web!