What is Love Grace Class Style?
Someone asked me a few years ago to describe “who I am” in a few words, and after some brief self-introspection, it was these four words that came to mind:

I am all-consumed by love. Love of God first and foremost. Secondly, love of self, because I can’t effectively and fully love anyone else until I can love myself. And third, love of others, based in the acknowledgement of human imperfection yet laced with compassion and kindness.

The kind that is defined as unmerited assistance, a special favor or temporary exemption; a disposition towards kindness, courtesy or clemency. Being a woman of grace means being a woman with both inner strength and beauty, dedicated to being uncompromising in who she is in every circumstance. Striving to be this kind of grace-ful, infuses my lifestyle in every aspect.

It is simply how one carries themselves, how they act, and how they live their lives, with decency, respectability, elegance, poise and graciousness; with modesty, humility and decorum, with wit and a sense of humor. It was how I was taught and raised, and how I have chosen to live and present myself to the world.

It’s a lot more than fashion. It’s the particular, distinctive and characteristic manner in which you carry, present and/or adorn yourself. It’s your signature; your brand. It’s knowing yourself thoroughly, being comfortable with who you are and being “that” throughout your daily life regardless of lifestyle trends and fads. Consistency in the display of my personal, signature style has always been important to me.