Love Grace Class Style Revisited
What is love grace class style? I’ve referenced it many times, and hashtagged it many more times. But what is it? In a much earlier post a few years back, I outlined HERE what it meant, stood for. In this post I’ll dig deeper into what love grace class style actually means, does and promotes.

Everything starts with the three stair steps of love. First, there’s the love of God and love from God. Romans 8:38-39 says, “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, [39] nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” This tells me that no matter what, He’s always there for me. 1 John 4:10 says, “We love Him because He first loved us.”
I am nothing, and can do nothing without Him, His guidance and His love. His love is unconditional and he sees us through Christ’s sacrifice, not our deeds, good or bad, and that is definitely worth loving. God’s love is the foundation, followed by love of self. What exactly is love of self? That is taking care of yourself spiritually, emotionally, financially, physically, and most importantly, approving and validating yourself always. It is knowing you are enough just as you are, that you are worthy of good things simply because you are a human being. It’s possessing self-respect, a positive self-image and a healthy inner confidence that you are deserving of all the universe has for you. Love of others flows from love of self. Just like the scripture “Love thy neighbor as thy self.” Love of others is extending and projecting the same love you have for yourself onto others; being considerate, compassionate and kind; having respect and regard for other people as you would have them do in return.

Grace has a few definitions. Spiritually speaking, grace is the gift of the unmerited favor and love of God upon ones life. As it relates to inner beauty, grace is the utmost civility, calm, decorum, respect and courteousness one displays, especially during times of offense. You may recall the now infamous Michelle Obama quote, “When they go low, we go high.” That was a declaration and display of grace. And then there’s the type of grace that most of us are familiar with; the outer signs of grace like poise, finesse and charm. It’s an effortless way one moves through space. It’s also in the way one serves others who are in their space. Back in the day, grace was associated with a woman who monitored the tone of her voice, walked with a light step and flowing stride, and was always conservatively stylish in her dress regardless of where she happened to be going. That perception still applies today.

When you hear someone say “he or she has class”, what they mean is that they are a person possessing authentic integrity, standards and values. They’re trustworthy, wise, honest and self-confident. They know who they are and are ever mindful of it, meaning: you can’t get them to act outside of who they are in any sort of indecent manner. Their emotions and or mood doesn’t change their manners in any given situation. A person with class is aware and considerate of those around them, displaying sensitivity and empathy. Everything they do is always top-notch, a cut above, in any circumstance.

And finally there is style. Style is the way in which you carry yourself; your personal way of adorning yourself. It’s the way you show up in the world. There are many types of styles. There is your style of home decor, your style of dress, the way you wear your hair or your style of organization, communication, and even your approach to relationships. It’s your personal flair to everything you do in life. What makes someone stylish is the level of confidence they convey as they move through life. A stylish person owns who they are and doesn’t try to explain it away or make excuses for it. A person’s style is a large part of their brand. Specifically as it pertains to one’s appearance or the appearance of their home, style typically relates to how well put-together they are, or their living space is; how polished it is, how be-fitting the outfit or the decor is to who that person is. Style is who you are on the inside, displayed on the outside.

Let’s Wrap Up
So there you have it. Love grace class style is a lifestyle brand that promotes beautiful, empowered and glamorous living from the inside out. But before I go, let me explain what “glamorous living” is. Of course there are several definitions of glamour. The one I like best is: “an attractive or exciting quality that makes certain people or things seem appealing.” For me, this speaks to something that is unique to the person, which tells me, glamour is a person being his/her unique self. It says nothing of a red carpet or hair and make-up or a sparkly gown. And to take it a step further… Over the years I’ve come to know, that while I’m a glamour girl in the traditional sense; I love hair, make-up, nails, gowns, high heels, sparkles and diamonds, all things that make me feel good and make me happy, I also wanted to feel glamorous in other aspects of my life. Like… managing my time so that I arrive where I’m supposed to be at the time I’m supposed to be there is glamorous to me. Being alone on Valentine’s day with no sign of depression or resentment in sight is glamorous to me. Knowing I can go into my office closet and everything is neatly organized and I can find exactly what I’m looking for is glamorous to me. Having healthy, fulfilling relationships with family and friends is glamorous to me. Being able to deal with adversity and conflict void of any damage to my inner self or anyone else is glamorous to me. Working towards and achieving my goals is hella-glamorous to me! Living glamorously to me is living in such a way that all areas of my life are bringing me joy and contentment, and even when the inevitable setback, tragedy or conflict arises, I am equipped to handle it. This kind of living is very attractive to me, which makes it glamorous. You too can join the love grace class style movement. Keep watching this space and you’ll get the hang of it :)xo

Great Blog as always Ingrid! The spiritual foundation you used to break down love grace class style brought a abit of tranquility to the soul as you read through it. More Power To You!..Be Blessed!…Happy Blessed Valentines Day!!!
Hi Pierre, so glad you enjoyed the post and found value in it! Thank you so much for always taking the time to read and engage here. Have a happy Valentine’s Day!
Wha a great Blog ! This gives others a glimpse of your inner beauty which matches your outer glamour . Love you girlfriend keep shinning inside and out ❤️😘
Oh my goodness, thank you so much Shonia! Your support means the world to me. Love you girlie :)xo