Panic Attacks and Other House Updates
I promise this post is not nearly as long as the last! It seems like every other moment I am reminded of, consumed with or fixated on something having to do with this house! The only relief for me is to gaze through my beloved Veranda magazines and dream a little… or go to sleep. Haha!!! And I probably should do the latter!

One of those all-consuming moments occurred last month, when I forgot exactly what my flooring looked like. I went into a full-on, super controlled, panic. They broke ground the third week of last November, and I’ve been in new-home-build-limbo since. I’d stopped into the sales office one day, since I just happened to be in the area… (wink, wink), when I realized I didn’t have a single, good picture of the flooring I’d selected during my design center meeting. No worries, my darling Salesperson, Dahlia, said she would find a photo and text it to me. But an hour later, the sales office now closed, I received the text of the picture of my floors. It was a perfect square of porcelain tiles that had what appeared to be these yellow/green-ish, tan tones running through it, and I didn’t like it AT ALL!!! It totally, never occurred to me, that the overtones of the pictured sample had been filtered through now two smartphones, and could possibly be distorting the actual color and appearance. Not for a second. I just went straight to freaking-out mode. It even looks completely different here!

The sample pictured here in no way resembles the yellow/green-ish tone it did when it popped up in my text. As soon as I saw it, (in my Robin of Batman and Robin voice, in my head I said)… “Holy smokes! Did I pick that?!?!” “That doesn’t look like anything I would’ve selected.” “Is it too late to change it if I don’t like it? Even with a cost penalty?” And, “What if I can’t change it? Will I have to live with it until I can afford to spend thousands of dollars more to swap it out?” When I tell you I only slept 2-3 hours that weekend, I mean, I tossed and turned that Saturday and Sunday night trying not to worry, knowing I couldn’t speak to my design representative, Susan, until Monday. But then Monday came, and she was off, and I’d have to wait another day! Well, I prayed and gave it to God and just went to sleep that night, cause this glamour girl was tired, lol!!! Of course by the time I took the 60-mile drive to the design center on that Tuesday to meet with Susan briefly, the sample flooring she presented to me was just fine. And although I still couldn’t imagine what it would look like on my floor, I decided to just let it go, and trust that my initial choices would pan out in a way that I would love.

I know I joked about just being “in the neighborhood” earlier, but I honestly do try not to be a site stalker. You know, that person who goes to check on their house every other day? Well I only go by when there have been big additions that my new BFF (haha!) Dahlia, has notified me of and sent pictures. Like today, I stopped by because my flooring and cabinetry went in last week. Yay! And I wanted to get pictures and video of the progress.

Breathing a sigh of relief, there was no need for me to worry about the flooring. I am finally ok, once and for all, having seen it completely installed. Now on to the cabinets… they’re a little lacking in the “wow factor”, but that’s OK. I will upgrade as I can. Once I’ve added some hardware, kitchen decor and my glam touch, they will be just fine. I should probably re-read my own post, “The Real Deal“, and remind myself, that I can’t get everything I want right now, so I’ll have to be a little more patient.

One feature I’m simply over the moon about is the wall of glass in the Great Room. It made me smile the first time I saw it in the model, and it makes me smile now every time I see it in my house. It’s what sold me on the house, and I can’t wait for my first indoor/outdoor entertainment opportunity to utilize it, or to just chill outside there with a good book, great relaxing music and a nice beverage.

So things are moving along well. I’m not quite giddy with excitement just yet because the proposed ready/close date is such a joy-stealer, (side-eye), still another 9 weeks away, uggh!!! I’m kidding. I’m over it… kind of. I’m just anxious to get started on putting my home-life back together, after feeling so displaced for the last 8 months. So yeah, maybe I won’t stop in to check on things as often, opting to wait until my final walk-through to see it all done… yeah right! I can however, commit to limiting my drive-bys as much as possible… And the journey continues…