Remembering The Momster

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After a serious fall in late June, breaking her hip and her shoulder, resulting in a hip pinning and reversible shoulder replacement surgery, my mom, affectionately known here on the blog and on social media as “The Momster”, went to sleep on July 13th and woke up in the arms of God. She always said when it was her time, she just wanted to go in her sleep, and that’s what she did. Praise God! Is there a better way to go? While I miss her and I’m sad, I can’t help but also be so very happy for her, because, one, she has no more pain and there is no greater joy than to be in the presence of the Lord. Two, she’s reunited with her beloved husband after 23 years. And three, she was facing at least a year-long rehabilitation process that would leave her with significantly decreased ability to create art. Next to her children, art was her life, and she didn’t want to be here if she couldn’t create. As the eldest of two, and the one who was with her most in her later years, to help and to handle things for her, I feel overwhelmed at times, but I’m devoted to continuing on with grace, tackling one task at a time until it’s all completed. It’s quite surreal to be shutting down a person’s life; almost like erasing their presence. However, mom’s presence will endure forever through the stunning pieces of art she created. Below are some pics of her with her welding pieces. Her #1 art form for the last 10 years of her life, was welding. She loved it so much.

Patricia Bohannon
Patricia Bohannon

Her remains were committed next to my Dad on Friday, July 28th, at Westview Cemetery in Atlanta, Georgia, and we joyfully memorialized her in Goodyear, Arizona on Saturday, August 5th. Officiated by my dear friend and host of ABC 15’s Sonoran Living, Susan Casper, this “non-program program” that my mom never wanted, turned out beautifully, with tributes from her neighbor and road buddy across the street from her, Judy Warner, the CEO of the Sedona Arts Center where her art is currently featured, Julie Richards, and Matt Smith, her welding instructor. And for a surprise ending, a video of the Patricia Bohannon most didn’t know, lol! As usual, I was in the moment and missed taking photos with so many special people who came out to celebrate the Momster like, Peggie Simmons, realtor and friend-turned-family, who opened and closed us with prayer, girlfriends Ericka Lassiter, Shonia Fisher, Yoshica Mitchell, and Chenita Dix Young made the trek to support me, Janelle Wood, Founder and CEO of Black Mother’s Forum, who brought the word, dear friend and sister, Monique Wilhite and her mother, Mrs. Margaret Branscomb, and Mr. Frazier, my dear friend, Onitia Frazier’s Dad. But here are a few photos captured by my mom’s Canta Mia neighbor and friend Ritch Fuhrer.

Remembering Patricia Bohannon
With Michael and I, from top left to right: Benita Beckles and friend, Tracey Richardson, Matt Smith, Sister-in-Law Michele, Sidney & Susan Smith, Ericka Lassiter, Onitia Frazier, Sid & Susan, Judy Warner.

Now that the celebration is over, I’m organized and ready to dive into the administrative part of her estate settlement. With spreadsheet in hand, I’ll take it one account at a time and get it done. Going through this process I feel a ministry coming on; helping others facing this same fate, how to navigate what to do, when and where and who to contact and so on. But we’ll see. I must first get myself through it all and I’ll keep you posted on that other part. Below is the tribute slideshow we presented at the memorial…

While I will miss talking to her every morning on my way to work, and I will miss my movie and K-drama partner, and a host of other things that are sure to hit me in the coming days, months and years; all the “firsts without” events. I have no regrets, and I can smile knowing we said and shared it all while she was here. I am comforted in knowing that we were in a good place as mother and daughter. She knew I loved her and I knew she loved me. I’m left with wonderful memories of the best mother a girl could have :)xo

Me and Mom
Me and Mom - Visions & Sound 2019
Me and Mom - Chicago 2013

So now I leave you with this candid video gem from Christmas 2018, where my brother, nephew and sister-in-love were teaching mom the “Drip Drip” song by Cardi B, and then something took over her body, lol! Enjoy, and I’ll see back here soon!

18 thoughts on “Remembering The Momster”

  1. Thereza

    Wow absolutely beautiful tribute to your amazing mother. It was all the feels. Truly brought tears to my eyes. Remembering her beautiful smile and energy perks aikity. She wouldn’t let anyone touch her touch her teeth but me. Hands down the best patient. She will be missed dearly. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. May God bless you.

    1. Ingrid Bohannon

      Thank you so much my friend! In the aftermath of all this, I’m learning she had special relationships with so many people, and she is most definitely missed.

  2. Doris and Paul Undiano

    Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful tribute to your mother with all of us that appreciated her talents and beauty. We have enjoyed her glass work art for 6 years and will forever…

    1. Ingrid Bohannon

      Aww, thank you so much Doris and Paul!

  3. Julie Taylor

    This is simply Beautiful
    Just Beautiful

  4. Soo Braunstein

    We shared the love of glass together. I used to tell her at welding I wanted to be like her. She was loved by all and will be missed but she will always be in my heart when I make art.

    1. Ingrid Bohannon

      Thank you so much for those lovely sentiments Soo!

  5. Crystal

    What a stunning post and tribute to your mom, just beautiful!

    May your mom and dad rest in peace together until you see them again on the other side, the better side.

    ❤️ Crystal

    1. Ingrid Bohannon

      Thank you Crystal! It truly makes me happy when I think of the two of them together again 🙂

  6. Trina Anderson

    Beautiful tribute to your mom. As I watched the videos I smile because you can truly see the love for life your mom had, especially with her family. Heaven has definitely gained a angel 😇. My sincere condolences to you and your family.
    Love Trina

    1. Ingrid Bohannon

      Thank you Trina! Yes, the Momster lived for her family and her art.

    2. Benita Beckles

      Thank you for sharing her life and the beautiful tribute. It was appreciated.

  7. Soneni

    Lol, this was so awesome, fabulous and truly a joy to watch your momster, our Aunt Pat! I truly wish that life had not been such a chore, that our families couldn’t remain or be closer. Anyhoo, many blessings to you and the family during this time as well. I know we will sincerely miss the presence and memories our love ones have left us with.
    Blessings, Ingrid gurl…in my Chi-town voice!!

    1. Ingrid Bohannon

      Aww Soneni, thank you so much! And I will cherish those memories. Things changed with the last two generations. Back in the day everyone stayed in the same town or at least within driving distance from each other. Now we’re all over the place,lol! But with Zoom, Facetime,etc, we should be able to connect more.


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