Resilience: A Form of Greatness
Resilience: the power or ability to recover and return to the original form, position, etc., after being bent, compressed, stretched, or after something bad happens; elasticity; buoyancy; toughness.

When I think of this word resilience, I think of people and not things. Many times I think of myself even, thankful in how I’ve been able to “come back” after a major set back or stand firm in the face of some well-placed obstacle, or stand firm when there are many around me, some even masquerading as friends, incessantly bombarded with sabatoge and haterisms (my word, lol!). It takes resilience; a measure of personal greatness to keep rising from life’s sometimes seemingly endless trials. You have to actually make up your mind to get up again, start over, or just keep moving. You make yourself get up, put on some make-up and face another day; possibly one of the most horrible days of your life, and in your own fab-representative way! Most recently the person who comes to mind is International Pop Singer Celine Dion who just buried the love of her life; the only man she’s known other than her father, who’s taken care of her, who molded and managed a masterful career for her, as well as the passing of her brother.

And trending heavily on the internet recently was how she “fell apart” during one of her songs her first night back to work. But the sheer act of pulling herself together, taking the stage, looking flawless, and moving forward is nothing short of resilience which to me equals a form of greatness. In my opinion it was her most dynamic performance. We can all walk in a little bit of greatness whenever we determine that we are not giving up, or giving in; that we will fight for our dreams and for our lives, and to be happy. The bible says that we are more than overcomers, we are conquerors. Resilience is likened to a certain elasticity that gives us the ability to bounce back from bad situations, and a buoyant resolve toward greatness when we do so. It takes resilience to conquer depression, defeat, loss and failure, even as validated as they may be at the time. But we all can choose resilience, and therefore choose greatness.