Should I Be Further Along?
In my last email communication, I asked those of you who signed up to ride along with me on this blogging journey, to let me know of any topics you wanted me to write/blog about. I received a request, and then took a look at my blog calendar to contemplate when I could accommodate that request. Why not do it now? I figured I’d take a break from all the house and decor updates. If you’re not ready for a break, I sure as heck need to take one… for my sanity, lol!!! And there’s no time like the present, right?

This is a subject that’s been near and dear to me for a while, since I became a REAL adult. I call a real adult, someone who’s been on their own for at least a couple decades, made some mistakes, weathered a few storms, experienced a heartbreak or two. You know, someone with some life-notches on their belt. I consider myself one of these real adults, and I can’t tell you how many times I used to ask myself: Should I be further along? At first thought, this questions evokes contemplation of one’s career mostly. However, I am a person who’s generally about and for, pursuing and achieving a cohesiveness in my life in all aspects of it… in my Gary Coleman voice: “what you talkin’ bout Ingrid?” Haha!!! I know some people say you can’t really have balance in life, but I’ve always worked towards one in my life, between work, relationships, activities, etc., no matter what state I find myself in. It’s a certain peace I strive to make sure is present with everything going on around me in my world, regardless of my status or position at that time. In doing so, when I ask myself “should I be further along”, I can’t answer that without first thinking of God in my life. If I say I trust God in all things, then I have to trust his timing in my life. This, to me, is a spiritual examining. Many people qualify this question based on some sort of blueprint of how things are supposed to go in life. By the way, who came up with this? It’s presented to you when you’re very young. You know, you go to school, college if you can, graduate, get a good job or start a business, get married, have kids, raise kids and see them off on their own, retire and ride off into the sunset.

And where exactly is “further along” anyway? We are all individuals with unique personalities and giftings and talents and thought processes. No two persons are the same. So no two persons’ journey can be the same. Those REAL adult life experiences I mentioned earlier may have your “further along” accelerated, and someone else’s at a standstill or a crawl. But God knows exactly where you are, where you’re going to end up, how your setbacks, failures and mistakes play into that, and He will guide you to your destination in the right time. I came to the conclusion, that if you’re trusting and seeking God in your life, you are right where you’re supposed to be. I stopped asking myself the question, and began to trust Him more, knowing I will have, be and do everything I’m supposed to, when I’m supposed to. And this always brings me back to center; back to that life cohesiveness I spoke about, that peace.

To even ask yourself the question infers that there is something to compare it to. When we start comparing our journey to someone else’s or even to some standard that’s been drilled into our heads, that’s when we begin to become fearful, to second-guess and doubt ourselves. Just set a goal, and go for it! Know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be, and in time, if you keep the faith, and keep moving, you will wake up to your “one day.”
Check out these posts as well, Self Help… Help Yourself! and Same Game, Different Hustle… Do You! and please let me know your thoughts in the comments. Thanks so much!