Storage Solutions Part II: Pantry Organization
I said I would in the last post, and so here it is, Storage Solutions Part II: Pantry Organization. If you missed Storage Solutions Part I: Linen Closets, you can check it out HERE.
My Pantry is Not Like the Others
This is the first real pantry I’ve had. The areas deemed “pantry” in my other homes were really just over-sized cabinets. Seeing all the beautifully outfitted pantries on Pinterest sent me into a deep dive to try to replicate that in my home. Here’s an example of a beautiful and superbly organized pantry…
In my research and legwork for attempting to recreate this in my own space, the first thing I quickly found out, as a person who is quite frugal when it comes to these types of items… the containers and canisters in those pictures, used to house stocked grocery items, are quite expensive when you multiply how many you need times $14.99 – $29.99 each… Yikes! My feelings were so hurt after that realization. Which leads me to the second thing I quickly realized… being a single girl, I don’t have to keep my cupboards and pantry stocked with all kinds of food for anyone to access 24/7. I just never thought about that when I was perusing all of these stunning pantries. Now of course I keep spices and dry beans, oatmeal and grits, rice and pasta on hand, in one of the kitchen cabinets… yes ONE, and in their original packaging. In these beautifully organized and outfitted pantries, sometimes the contents of two-three boxes of cereal, flour, sugar, pasta, etc., are removed to fill up the container. That’s a lot of money for food stocking, and a lot of time. I was just trying to have a pretty pantry, haha!!! I typically pick up groceries weekly, mostly produce items, sometimes even grabbing something already prepared on the way home from work. There’s only a few items at any given time in my fridge, and even fewer in my pantry. So as gorgeous as those pantries are, sadly, they would never work for me. My pantry needs are a little different. Perhaps not quite as pulled together as the one above, but let’s take a look…
Just a reminder… This was not me at home bored while adhering to the current stay-at-home measures. As with my linen closets, my pantry organization was one of the first spaces I completed after moving into my new and current home. If you’ve read any of my decor-move blog posts you already know why. I hate to have to maneuver boxes to find essential items once I move into a space. Pictures, books and knick knacks can wait in their boxes, but I cannot waste time rummaging through boxes looking for my Chai tea, and a cup to drink it out of, haha!
As with my linen closets, my pantry is also staged. There’s water, sparkling water, cookbooks, wine and champagne, all my china, chargers and serving items, paper towels, a few snacks, and of course, a stock of my beloved chai tea, as well as a few pretty things to look at.
I love my acrylic wine racks / blocks I purchased from Target three years ago, however, I haven’t been able to find them recently. Here are two similar items from Target/Mdesign, and Amazon.
Since I currently have no daily use for the space on the top shelves, I decided to use some items from my decor stash; something I wouldn’t have to pull out the step ladder to access regularly. I figured I’d “pretty up” this space using some faux florals and decor pieces that weren’t currently being used, that were headed for the storage bins out in the garage. You can check out how I hide those garage storage bins HERE. I will say though, seeing the reflection of the boob light in these pictures, really makes me want to get prettier lighting for this space, as well as the master linen closet. If you’re not sure what a boob light is, you can find out in a prior post HERE.
Just as in the linen closet organization, pantry organization is all about uniformity; grouping similar items together, but mostly, it’s about making the space work according to your lifestyle. Since I now have real pantry space, I decided to display my stemware and dishes and dining table decor items. I like being able to see it all, and it’s easier to get to it when I need it.
So that’s it. Nothing fancy. Remember, you don’t have to spend a lot of money for organization. You can use almost any container, even a customized cardboard box, to store items in. You probably have some potential storage containers around your house right now! I always “shop my home” before purchasing organization items I need. Leave a comment below and let me know what your pantry style is and why. I’d love to hear from you!