Time Really Does Fly!
Honestly, it’s so hard to believe it’s been a full two years since the release of my book. As I sit and reflect, though it’s been two year’s since the release, it’ was a twelve-year process. You can read about that HERE. But today, even that doesn’t feel like so long ago. I remember the day, the moment, I drafted the title, then the table of contents, and then the first words back in the summer of 2008. It’s been a wonderful experience. But let me just say… writing and publishing a book, is not for the weak. Yet, I’m still planning on writing another one. Shhh, don’t tell anyone, haha!!! My plan at the start of this year was to have the audio book version released this week, but due to COVID-19, with many vendors necessary to complete this task being shut down or affected in some way, I’ve had to put it on hold. It’s already recorded, so eventually, I will release it. But in the meantime, won’t you join me in a walk back in time to remember one joyful night. You can read the post, A Night to Remember: The C Word Launch Party, HERE.
Remembering "The C Word" Launch Party
Photos by Nick Nicholson Photography

I enjoyed reading your book with all its flair! It was interesting since I am basically on a similar journey and a friend suggested the book to me. I was not disappointed at all. It has helped me to feel more comfortable in my skin. As a religious (nun) for over eight years and the whole preparation before which was all my life was not an easy road. Even living the religious life was not easy, but always living by the word of God is my strength in the journey.
Today, I continue to live a celibate life, not that I am not open to marriage, but after living such a life, I became comfortable in my skin. I believe that I am viewed more as a role model even for those who are married.
OMG, I’m so happy Carol!!! Good for you! This is why I wanted to write this book, and the type of inspiration and confidence it would bring to those who read it. Continue to walk proudly in who God created you to be, while trusting the HE will continue to manifest all the desires of your heart. Thank you so much for supporting :)xo
Girlfriend Ingrid !
OMG ! It doesn’t seem like two years . I can’t wait to read your next book . We had a Blast at your book release party of The C Word . The details and personal touches were so Ingrid 😍 . Attention to details ,with elegance and glam . Thanks for taking us down memory lane .
Hugs !
Hey Shonia! I mean,this two years just really took me by surprise. Thanks for taking the walk back to one of the most magical nights of my life with me. And thank you so, so much, for your support. Love you much :)xo
Ingrid, aka “Other Girl”