The Queen's Quarters Master's Suite Series: The Master Bathroom

Note: This post has been updated.

I know what you’re thinking? Didn’t she just publish a blog post on the Master Bedroom? And the answer would be yes! I got to thinking that the entire master suite should really be revealed together. But that would make for one seriously long blog post. So on the heels of the master bedroom reveal, I’ve published reveals for the master bathroom and master closet back-to-back, as part of The Master Suite Series. Just for reference sake, here’s a picture of my not-so-master-master bathroom in my last house. You can read about that one in this post HERE.

The Dollhouse Master Bathroom

Master Bathroom Doubles

I continued my obsession with white-on white with the cabinets and decor in this bathroom,as you’ll soon see, as well as the draping of fabric. The flooring is different, and of course you know my frustration with the builder on my floors. If you want to know what I was, and still am, to some degree, worked up about, you can read up on it HERE. And if you read my reveal post on The Dollhouse master bathroom, you’ll remember that I hate seeing the top of a shower door. And getting that area of the bathroom renovated is already at the top of my continued “To DO” list. To combat my feelings about the shower door, I hung fabric from the ceiling so it looks like the glass just goes all the way to the top, and creates a bit of drama. You know I love drama in decor. Here is my new master bath on move-in day…

The Queen's Quarters Master Bathroom on move-in day
Nothing fancy, but it’s larger, yay!

And here’s what it looks like now…

Most of the decor details used here, are from either the last master bath, or were re-purposed from other areas of the house. I love shopping my own home. I’ve always removed the large, plastered on the wall, builder grade mirror from my bathrooms. This one was no different, and the two I replaced it with are from Home Goods.

Master Bathroom
Master Bathroom

Here’s a new build home tip: it’s always more cost effective to purchase some items that may be offered at the design center on your own, after you close on your new home. Cabinet hardware is one of those items. As with the kitchen cabinets, and the guest bathroom cabinets, I did not purchase the builder-offered hardware. Everything offered was double what I knew I could find on my own. I knew I wanted some form of acrylic hardware. I found these on Amazon, and once I confirmed the dimensions were what I needed, it was a go. These are the same handles I used in the new guest bathroom as well, and you can check out that reveal, HERE. I absolutely loved how it all turned out.

Master Bathroom cabinet hardware
I love these!
Master Bathroom cabinet hardware

Faucets are another item builders offer, but tend to be so much more expensive than simply going to a Home Depot, Lowe’s or even online to purchase. Mine came from Home Depot and on day one, my plumber came and swapped them out for the basic builder-grade ones that were installed. I love how they look.

And then there’s the Privacy Room, aka, the tiny room with the toilet…

Master Bathroom privacy room

Nothing more to say about that. Although I will say I’d love to swap out the can light and add a pretty chandelier. You know me and my chandeliers, haha!!!

What’s Next?

As with every room in the house, I have a running “To Do” list, or more like a “Wish List”, of things I’d like to do. Some time in the near future I’ll be switching out the builder-grade light fixtures. I want something in polished chrome with a little bling… surprise, surprise. And I want them moved up higher to add a little more drama to the space. In my book, there’s no such thing as too much drama, decoratively speaking, haha!!! Here’s the bathroom in my second home where I changed out the builder-grade mirror for two more stylish ones.

House #2 Master Bathroom
I loved this bathroom!

I’d also like to change the flooring to a marble or something shiny. I’m torn because I don’t want too many different types of flooring running through my home. Thank goodness I don’t have to decide right now!

I took the door off the closet to open up the space on each side. The closet immediately felt larger on the side that the door swings open to. It’s sometimes just the littlest of things. More on the master closet in the next post!

4 thoughts on “The Queen’s Quarters Master Suite: The Master Bathroom”

  1. Debra Sheldon

    I love your inspiration to find something perfect and beautiful at reasonable prices. Beautiful bathroom, my dear!

    1. Ingrid Bohannon

      Thank you Debra! That’s always my goal 🙂

  2. Pamela Andrews

    Absolutely beautiful!!

    1. Ingrid Bohannon

      Thank you so much Pamela!

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