Who Are You?

With values and morals seemingly shot to you-know-where these days, it’s easy to lose sight of true worth, in things and in people. There are images everywhere we go that seem to tell us that we’re not pretty or handsome enough; our bodies are not the right size, we’re not interesting or smart enough, we’re not wealthy enough. Having faced many challenges and set-backs in recent years, it’s been quite easy to lose my self worth amidst the constant feed of perfection in all forms of today’s media.

As I frequently have to remind myself that I am enough, I also bring to my own remembrance something I heard a preacher say once. Regardless whether a $100 dollar bill is found nice, new and crisp, or dirty, crumpled and trampled upon, it’s value is still $100! it is still worth $100! We are all special and unique, filled with promise and valued gifts to share like no other person on the planet. In good times and bad, happy or sad, whether rich or poor, always remember who you are, and carry yourself accordingly.