Why I Decided to Write "The C Word"

Having spent a little time now promoting my new book, I am always asked “Why I Decided to write The C Word. So I thought I’d put together a quick video that covers the top four questions I’ve been asked since the book release on May 11th. Take a look, and as always, please leave your thoughts in the comments. I’d love to hear from you!

Check out “The C  Word” trailer HERE, and be sure the click the link below to get your copy HERE!

2 thoughts on “Why I Decided to Write “The C Word””

  1. Lawrence Lowe

    Hi Ingrid; So glad to receive your blogs. I does me good to see your strength of character expressed in the presentations of your book. home, and lifestyle enchncements. I am sure I’m not alone in my admiration. May God bless you abundantly for your labors of love. Ingrid so many men and women need the message to elevate beyond the norms of our generation. So much of life would be accomplished if we would’nt hinder our development by the choices that deter our growth. Hopefully your message will reach some who will in turn will continue to sound the voice that outstanding people can/do stand up and stand out, in most excellent ways. Reading and passing the message !!

    1. Ingrid Bohannon

      Hi Lawrence!
      I so appreciate your consistent support and your encouragement. It means the world to me. I’m so happy that people are getting something out of my posts and are liking it! Yay!!! Haha! I will continue to strive for excellence in everything I do for myself, and for those who have signed on to take this journey with me. God bless, love you always :)xo

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